7 Plumbing Ideas for Conserving Water in Your Home

As trusted service providers to homeowners in Ann Arbor, Canton, Plymouth and surrounding areas of air conditioning, plumbing, and electrical systems, we understand that having a “green” home not only contributes to a safe environment for future generations, it also helps you save money. Did you know there are many things you can do throughout your home to save on water usage, thus saving on how much you spend on water each month?

Here are seven plumbing features you will not want to be without:

Aerators. Want to reduce the amount of water you use in the kitchen or bathroom, without sacrificing water pressure? Aerators allow the water and air in a faucet to mix. This means that you can still enjoy an invigorating shower without using gallons of water. Look for them at your local plumbing or home improvement store.

High-efficiency washing machine. Washing machines use a ton of water; in fact, regular washing machines may use 25 to 30 gallons per load! A high-efficiency washing machine not only cuts water usage by up to 35%, but it will also reduce energy use by about 20%. Good reasons to consider a high-efficiency model.

Faucets. Think of all the water that runs right down the drain while you are brushing your teeth or washing your hands. WaterSense faucets reduce the volume of water by as much as 30% or more. However, you will not experience a noticeable drop in pressure.

Toilets – essential, but the biggest source of water waste in your home. Did you know that toilets manufactured before 1992 typically use about 3 1/2 to 5 gallons of water per flush? This is huge! To use less water, consider replacing your old toilet with a dual-flush or high-efficiency model.

high-efficiency dishwasher can save you as much as 1,300 gallons of water over its lifetime. That is right – dishwashers installed before 1994 will use 10 gallons or more each time you run it.

Consider a tankless water heater. Your water heater accounts for as much as 25% of your home’s total energy usage. By replacing your conventional water heater with a tankless model, you can slash up to 30% off your energy bill each month.

Low-flow showerhead. Regular showerheads or those that are older can use water at a rate of 5.5 gallons per minute! A low-flow showerhead reduces the usage to 2.5 gallons per minute or less, meaning you can cut back on water usage for showering purposes by as much as 60%. Imagine the savings if you have a large family!

Considering that a showerhead can run at a rate of more than 5 gallons per minute and that older toilets can require 5 gallons for every flush, it is easy to see how you could use hundreds of gallons each day – and it is costing you while using valuable natural resources. Keep the above tips in mind, and enjoy a “green” home that costs you less!

At Haley Mechanical, we want to help you make your entire home more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly. Southeast Michigan homeowners feel free to contact us for more tips on saving energy – and money.

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