HVAC Maintenance Helps Improve Indoor Air Quality

Is the air inside your Southeast Michigan home as clean and healthy as it could be?  Regular HVAC maintenance makes a big difference – and when you ignore your heating/cooling system, it can result in health or respiratory issues.  How can you ensure the air inside your home is a clean as possible?  We have a few tips.

Check/replace the filter each month.  The filter is the component of your HVAC system that air circulates through first, capturing dust, dirt, pollen and other irritants.  Check your filter every month and change if it’s dirty, as a clean filter equals cleaner indoor air.

Have the ducts cleaned.  In most cases, if you’re vigilant about changing the filter, the ducts won’t get too dusty or dirty.  However, if you’ve neglected to change the filter over a period of months, having the ducts cleaned by one of our professional technicians will ensure cleaner air circulating throughout your SE Michigan home with less dust or other debris.

Choose a filter with a high MERV rating.  Pleated filters with a MERV (minimum efficiency reporting value) of 5 to 8 is recommended to filter out irritating dust and debris.  Filters with a MERV rating of higher than 8 are not recommended as they can impact the efficiency of your HVAC system.  Cheaper fiberglass filters common in many homes and rated between 1 and 4 are not effective against the infiltration of pet dander, dust mite waste, or other common airborne contaminants.

HVAC maintenance and repair is critical to the health and well-being of your family, ensuring the air you breathe inside your Ann Arbor home is the freshest air possible.  A clean system also impacts efficiency, which affects how much you pay for heating or cooling.  Give Haley Mechanical a call today!

Financing available

Make no payments until 2023 and pay as little as $132 a month when you finance a new Lennox system. Talk to a comfort advisor today!