Spring Cleaning Time! While Cleaning Your Home, Consider the Air

Spring is a time we all love; as nature renews the outdoors, we are more invigorated and ready to refresh the indoors by doing a little cleaning. Cleaning the windows, ceiling fans, maybe even cleaning out the closets and doing a few of those chores we only do once in a blue moon – while you are cleaning your home, don’t forget about the air your family breathes! You may not know it, but we breathe about 3,000 gallons of air each day. Shouldn’t the air in your home be as clean as possible?

The invisible problem – indoor air pollution

Spring is a time we all love; as nature renews the outdoors, we are more invigorated and ready to refresh the indoors by doing a little cleaning. Cleaning the windows, ceiling fans, maybe even cleaning out the closets and doing a few of those chores we only do once in a blue moon – while you are cleaning your home, don’t forget about the air your family breathes! You may not know it, but we breathe about 3,000 gallons of air each day. Shouldn’t the air in your home be as clean as possible?

No matter how much you vacuum, dust, and mop, it does not clean the air inside your home. If you do not know it, the air inside your southeast Michigan home can be 100 times more polluted than the air outdoors! Considering most people spend as much as 90% of their time inside rather than outside, this can be a serious issue, especially for those with asthma, allergies, or other respiratory conditions.

How to clean the air inside your home? A whole-home filtration system
A whole-home filtration system such as the PureAir Air Purification from Lennox cleans the pollen, dirt, and dust from every inch of your home, unlike devices designed for a single room which improves the air quality only in the immediate area. Each time a window or door is opened, more pollen, dust, and other contaminants make their way into your home. A whole-home filtration solution continuously filters the air in every room, cleaning the air and keeping it clean.

The culprits

The primary pollutants in the indoor air include airborne particles, bacteria and germs, and chemical odors/vapors.

Airborne particles include cloth fibers, pet dander, pollen, household dust, dirt – the things found in most homes.

Bacteria and germs such as those found in viruses, mold, spores, mildew, and other tiny organisms can make your family sick, as these organisms can enter the lungs. Allergy sufferers will find these germs and bacteria also trigger their symptoms.

Chemical odors/vapors that originate from paints, cleaning products, gas fumes, even cooking smoke also irritate allergies and may increase the risk of serious health issues and breathing difficulties.

How can you effectively fight all three pollutant types in your home?

There are many whole-home filtration solutions on the market today, but none uses multiple technologies to address all three types of pollution like the PureAir system.

The Carbon Clean 16 Filter media and charcoal filter removes 95% of fine particles and infectious bacteria, and 99.9% of pet dander, dust, pollen, and mold spores. Talk about clean air! The Carbon Clean 16 Filter also helps reduce ozone levels.

PCO Cartridge and Ultraviolet Light. PCO, or Photocatalytic Oxidation, is a process that breaks down potentially harmful fumes, vapors, and odors using a catalyst plate; these vapors and fumes are reduced to harmless water and carbon dioxide through the combination of UV light and PCO.

No ozone, no odors!

Lots of localized and whole-home filtration systems create ozone while they are operating, which can have a negative impact on the lungs of your family members including frequent bronchitis, asthma, and irritation. PureAir is different from other solutions in that it is capable of breaking down existing ozone in your home and generates zero ozone, so your air is cleaned while you enjoy knowing there is no potential harm. Unlike some systems, the air inside your home will be fresher, cleaner, and nearly free from odors, so you know it is truly clean. In a 24-hour period, PureAir will destroy half of the vapors and/or odors in your household*!

At Haley Mechanical, our goal is to help you achieve the cleanest, freshest, healthiest air possible inside your southeast Michigan home. To learn more about the PureAir system, contact us today. As a trusted Lennox dealer, we know a thing or two about improving indoor air quality!

* Based on field and laboratory studies

Financing available

Make no payments until 2023 and pay as little as $132 a month when you finance a new Lennox system. Talk to a comfort advisor today!