The Benefits of Having a Smart Thermostat

Having a smart thermostat in your home comes with many advantages. These devices don’t just control your heating and cooling the way your smartphone doesn’t just make phone calls. They’re equipped with WiFi, voice assistants, and other technologies to help you more easily achieve maximum comfort.

These features can benefit homeowners in different ways. Below are some of the benefits of having a smart thermostat installed in your home.

Monitor Energy Use

A smart thermostat with WiFi capabilities can track energy usage in real-time. You can also create profiles that allow you to understand this data and how it will affect your utility costs in the future, as well as how adjusting your heating or cooling might affect your budget.

Control Your Heating and Cooling Remotely

Let’s say you took a little winter trip somewhere down south, and you’re driving back to your Ann Arbor home (Good for you for escaping the cold!). When you left for the week, you probably turned the heat down to save a little money since no one would be there. When you get within a half hour or so of your home you could turn the heat up so that upon arrival your home is at a more hospitable temperature and comfort level for you and your family.    

This benefit could also come into play if you own more than one property. You could monitor the temperatures of rental homes or second properties from the comfort of your primary residence. With this benefit, it becomes easier to tell if your HVAC is working the way it should be.

Daikin One Smart Thermostat

Adjust Your Heating and Cooling to Your Schedule

In the middle of winter, it helps to have your heat running in the evenings when everyone is home. Maybe it doesn’t need to be as high while everyone is sleeping underneath the blankets. And what about during the day when the house is empty? All of this can be set to a schedule within the smart thermostat application. The thermostat can automatically go up or down in alignment with your routine.

Easy Installation

Many people put off having a smart thermostat because they assume it won’t be easy to install. You can remove your current thermostat cover to examine what’s there. If you see wires marked C, R, W, Rc, or Rh, you should have what’s needed for a smart thermostat, depending on the manufacturer’s instructions.

At that point, it’s a matter of cutting power to the old thermostat and removing it. You can connect the wires to your new thermostat, and put the face plate on, and then finish any programming steps from the manufacturer.

Talk to The Ann Arbor HVAC Specialists You Can Trust!

You don’t have to keep using your dated thermostat. Haley Mechanical can help you with your smart thermostat needs. We carry the iComfort S30, which automatically turns on the fan to clean the air in your home when the air quality and pollen levels dictate it. Contact us today to find out more about how we can help!

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