Time for a Fall Furnace Tune-up – What to Expect

The crisp, cool temperatures are here, and now that it’s fall it will only get colder!  Before temperatures plummet to bone-chilling levels, it’s important to schedule your fall furnace tune-up with your HVAC contractor to ensure everything functions properly so your home will stay warm and toasty this winter.

It’s important that your furnace provides not only warmth but safe heating for your family.  Having your furnace maintained on a regular basis will also extend the life of your equipment, and keep it operating at top efficiency!

Whether you live in Dexter, Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, or any nearby southeast Michigan communities, you may be curious as to what you should expect when your HVAC technician arrives to perform your furnace tune-up.

First, your technician will perform an overall inspection to detect any potential signs of trouble.  He will test to ensure all components are operating properly; any parts that are not functioning properly will be repaired or replaced.  When the technician leaves your home, you will be able to enjoy peace of mind knowing your furnace is clean and ready to operate.

While performing your furnace tune-up, your technician will:

  • Check airflow and fan control, making any necessary adjustments
  • Clean, adjust, and test burners
  • Clean fan and blower motor, making any necessary adjustments
  • Lubricate motors, fans, and other moving parts
  • Inspect the heat exchanger for corrosion, rust, or other signs of damage
  • Inspect electrical power systems
  • Check to ensure ignition system is working properly, making repairs when needed
  • Tighten belts, electrical connections, or other components which may have become loose
  • Test and calibrate the thermostat
  • Check to ensure connections at furnace and utility sources are tight
  • Inspect fuel lines
  • Test to ensure carbon monoxide is venting properly via the flue and ventilation system

As you can see, a furnace tune-up involves a thorough inspection of all of the components of your furnace. Of course, there are a few tasks you can take care of yourself, including cleaning the unit occasionally and changing the air filter on a regular basis.

Have questions regarding a furnace tune-up or need a furnace repair technician?  At Haley Mechanical, we are the go-to experts in home comfort, keeping southeast Michigan homes comfortable and safe for 15 years.  Give us a call today!

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