Emergency Heating Solutions for Your Ann Arbor Home

Compact space heater on the floor providing additional warmth in a well-decorated living room, ensuring comfort during cold weather.

Stay warm during the coldest days with our emergency heating guide for Ann Arbor homes. Discover safe and efficient space heaters, the comfort of electric blankets, the simplicity of layering clothes, the reliability of backup generators, and professional furnace repair services. Don’t let winter storms catch you off guard—learn how to maintain cozy warmth all season long.

The Danger With Broken Outlets

Broken outlets present significant risks, and it’s important to address them properly to remain safe. Some of the signs of a broken outlet can include no power output, intermittent power, sparks or burning smells, or discoloration or a burn mark. If you notice any of these, it’s important to prioritize your family’s safety and contact … Read more

Financing available

Make no payments until 2023 and pay as little as $132 a month when you finance a new Lennox system. Talk to a comfort advisor today!