7 Winter HVAC Tips to Get You Through the Season

As we enter the grips of another cold, Ann Arbor winter, it’s important to make sure that your furnace is in strong working order and can last you through the season. Scheduling furnace repairs as the weather becomes unseasonably cold can be challenging, so a little routine maintenance and basic care helps ensure that your equipment lasts through the cold.

Taking proper care of your furnace before any of these signs of repair show up can help ensure you’ll have heat when you need it. You can follow these 7 winter HVAC tips below to keep your furnace in strong working order.

Keep Vents Unobstructed

Look around your home and make sure that the HVAC vents are open and unobstructed. If your vents are behind furniture, it goes without saying that your furnace is working harder than it needs to be, and you won’t be getting as much warm air.

Floor register

Test Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Your carbon monoxide detectors serve as the last line of defense, and your HVAC system is a common culprit when there is a leak in the home. It’s important to make sure that if any carbon monoxide should leak, you’d be notified immediately.

Check and Replace Filters 

When the air filter on your furnace is allowed to collect dust and dirt particles from the air, it strains your heating system. The air filter should probably be replaced every 6 months at a minimum, and 1-2 months if you have pets. If you go too long without changing the filter, it is enough to eventually make the HVAC system break down.

Inspect Thermostat

It’s important to be sure that your thermostat is working properly, ideally before the frigid Michigan winters kick into full effect. The idea is that you don’t want to go to turn your heat on during a cold snap and find out it won’t work. You can subtly test it by going only a few degrees warmer than it currently is in the room. If the heat doesn’t kick on, it’s a sign your system might need some attention.

Test Your Igniter Switch

No matter the type of furnace you have, it’s important to annually test the igniter switch to ensure that everything is working properly, as it should.

Service the Heat Exchange

It’s important that the heat exchanger is cleaned as part of your regular tune ups. Your service technician will disable the furnace and then carefully but thoroughly clean this area. As they clean, they’ll be on the lookout for any cracks to make sure there are no carbon monoxide leaks in the system.

Schedule Preventative Maintenance

If you want to get as much mileage as possible out of your furnace, it’s important to schedule your preventative maintenance and let your local HVAC experts help you keep it in strong running condition. This can considerably increase the lifespan of your system, and furnaces can be expensive to replace!

We Can Help with Furnace Maintenance and Repairs

Proper furnace repair, installation, and maintenance is crucial, especially throughout the cold Michigan winters. The 7 winter HVAC tips above should help you keep your furnace in strong working order. Haley Mechanical is an experienced HVAC company with a long history in the Ann Arbor and Dexter areas. Our technicians can help you with your furnace maintenance and repairs. To find out more, or schedule a repair, contact us today!

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